Saturday, April 29, 2006

She's Having Another Birthday

I turn 39 today.

It's a good time to reflect on positive things in our world. I seem to have been dwelling on that which brings anger & sadness lately. But, as I tell my 3 teenagers, one must have balance in one's life or there is a point where your body will MAKE you take a break. I need to take my own advice.

Today I honor:Russ Feingold He is America's true patriot.

Julia Butterfly Hill, the women who spent just under 2 years living in a redwood in northern California. Visit her site:Circle of Life Home, she is continuing her efforts to help us be kind to our earth.

The organizers of Dropping Knowledge an independent global voice that asks the questions we all are asking.

and anyone who has chosen to stop smoking today, or cease doing drugs, to spend more time with their children, to read a good book, to start taking better care of themselves, to go back to school, or to just tell someone they love them. I honor all of you today, also.



Unknown said...

Happy belated B-day..hey..your still a kid as far as I am concerned :P

Reflect,then get off your ass and become an keeps you young..this I have learned.

When the 3 anniversary of the start of the war hit a few months back, I attended a protest in Santa Barbara. One of the four old guys leading the 2 mile walk was 85..I know because I asked him. I saw elderly women and handicapped men. Becoming part of the solution keeps them going, it breathes life into them..and into me.

Hope you had a good birthday :)

DeannaHawk said...

Thanks for stopping by.
I hear you, loud & clear.
Last November was my last activist protest-to Madison, Wi to meet up with Cindy Sheehan's bus tour. I spend alot of time writing letters & finishing college.
If I didn't have to work, I'd be out there full time.


Unknown said...

Good for you Deanna..armchair activism has its place..but I believe these times call for desperate measures..and once again we must take to the streets with regularity to make our point crystal clear to the Shrub and his minions..I attended the rally in part yesterday..I am recovering from a work accident that has me medicated up to my eyeballs and in constant its hard to march..but I will keep on keeping on as long as that asshat is in power.