Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter At The Vet Clinic

I had planned to do some neocon research today, but my great dane, Charlie, had other plans.
He decided to have a GI upset & whine until 3:00 am.
I work in an animal hospital. I have almost 20 years experience, so I did the usual--took his temp--101.8--normal for dogs,
checked his gums for color-pink is good, gave him a head to toes exam--his abdomen is tense. Ok, now we are getting somewhere. My concern--he's very uncomfortable. Did he ingest something? Did he hurt himself internally? Is he getting bloat?

All this drama had begun about 10:00 pm and by 3:00 am, he was still very uncomfortable. I even threw on a pair of latex gloves & thought something might be stuck. (yeah, fun stuff there) He seems like he has to poop--but he's sooooo uncomfortable, he doesn't want to move. That was scaring me. This dog never acts this way. I want some x-rays.
My clinic has a machine, I have keys to get in, but who's going to help me do x-rays on a 178lb. great dane at 3:00 am on Easter morning? This is my husband's baby. I am NOT going to be responsible for killing my dog in any way--I would surly get divorced!
So, I bite the bullet & take him to the Emergency Vet clinic in town--x-rays--he's full of GAS! Gas pains, my huge, baby Charlie has gas pains. Now, granted, gas pains can feel like you are going to die sometimes, but almost $200 dollars later,
I find out he has a tummy ache.

Needless to say, Charlie is being very babied today--lying on his couch next to me right now, snoring like a bear.
I think today I will encourage all to go here- The Animal Rescue Site : Feed an Animal in Need

Have a great Easter.


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