Sunday, April 02, 2006

Daylight Is Saved, But Not Condi

Welcome to daylight savings time. Now our consumer driven country will be able to work their 60+ hours a week with at least a bit more sun. Sorry, it's difficult not to be cynical in these times.

So, Condeleeza Rice has been sent to Iraq, along with her British counterpart, Jack Straw, to light a fire under the political discussions on who should be in charge.

The Bush administration needs something good to happen soon, because they are slowly sinking. Condi has no way of helping with this, but she is sure going to try.

Our soldiers and the Iraqi people are dying EVERYDAY there. There is still a lack of jobs, electricity, water, and we have not been able to maintain security for our soldiers or the Iraqi people.
The Shiites, Kurds & Sunnis are suppose to come to some sort of conclusion in the political arena just because Condi shows up? What a joke! It just goes to show you how arrogant they continue to be.

Even Spike Lee has some words for Condi.

Bottom line is, we are going to be in Iraq for a long time. Yes, Sadaam was a bastard, but look what we created.

3 Years



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