Thursday, June 15, 2006

Jesus Was A Good Dude

The Rev. Jim Rigby is pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Austin, Tex. and he has written a most thought provoking article onAlterNet about what we have done in our culture to make Christ the benevolent dictator.

I grew up Catholic. I went to catechism, went to church with my grandmother, had my first communion & confession; I was never confirmed. As a teenager, I stepped away from the church. Neither of my parents went to church regularly, despite coming from strong Catholic families. It wasn't important to me, but I did have that feeling of "wrongness" because I didn't go. I got over that eventually when I got out in the real world & started researching religions/dogma/spirituality.

I do not consider myself a Christian. Immediately when some people find this out about me, they instantly judge that I must not believe in God. This, I believe, is what contributes to this great separateness that religions create. "My religion is better than yours", Mine is the one TRUE religion""If you don't believe in the G-d I believe in, you will go to hell." that one moment, these people have stepped away from what Jesus was trying to accomplish--that we are all one.
We have given Christ a crown. I do not believe this is who Jesus is. Over the centuries people have created a fear around religious leaders---follow the doctrine & you will reap the rewards(heaven) ; don't & you will be punished(eternal damnation).
Well, that's pretty cut & dry--don't be bad! Geez, do ya think it's about the control?

From 25 years old & on, I have believed strongly that God is all about us being the best we individually can be and nothing more. He wants us to be happy & love each other. I don't believe he is check marking all the things I do to "be worthy of His love". I am already worthy of his love just by being. When we do good things for ourselves & others, it makes us feel good; it brings us to a place of spirit naturally. Our problems stem from the fear that we have to behave a certain way to please God (be good God fearing Christians). Humans created God fearing, not God.

How would the world be different if we believed God wanted nothing from us?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe in a higher spiritual being. I pray to him/her daily. I am a god-loving person as opposed to a god-fearing person. To me, that is the major difference between many religions..

Good post deanna :)