Saturday, June 24, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth is playing at our local theatre tonight and my husband & I will attend the showing. I will write about it here tomorrow.

I also saw Al Gore on David Letterman last night. It was great. Letterman obviously does not like our current administration.

Until tomorrow,



Unknown said...

I was going to see the movie but I have a dog that we think might be on her last legs..and I can't bring myself to leave her side, she gets worked up if I do.

I love letterman, he tore Billy O a new ass a couple of months back. He engaged Al quite well, he was well-versed in current politics and he kept it straight forward but not heavy handed like Charlie rose did w/AL the other night. If you missed Al on Charlie Roses PBS show, Google carries the full hour online in their video vaults.
OK..that concludes my commerical for Al Gore :p

DeannaHawk said...

I am sorry about your pupper. This IS a very difficult time for dog owners.
Be comforted in knowing they usually do a good job letting us know when it's time. :(
