Friday, November 10, 2006

The Good & The Bad Of It

I've been dilerious with joy over the House win for the Democrats and then basically I became drunk with joy when we took over the Senate.

This interim time will be one to watch; the George & his Repugs have until January to do some nasty things yet.
They are technically still in control.
Don't put anything past them.

As for today, I have a virus; Extremely weak; dizzy. Doing lots of sleeping.

It's one of those dreary days; cold, rain turning to freezing rain with some thunder here and there; very strange. A good day to rest.........and think good things of the future of our country.


1 comment:

Lady Liberty said...

Hope your feeling better. I've also been down with the flu.
But, you said it: Bush and cohorts have too much time where too much damage can be done.
Cheney is next to go, and I only hope Bush is out of there shortly after.
Time is not on our side.