Monday, November 06, 2006

Crunch Time

Tomorrow is the day; hopefully a new day.

All we have left is hope for a change in direction. We need to take back the House and the Senate.

Then, make them all accountable. The liars, cheats, the bastards who are stealing my country.

Democratic across the board. Win it back, THEN start taking names. Hold both sides accountable.

But, we have to have a majority first.

Then we clean house.

N O W, G O V O T E!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey girl..I just wanted to say thanks for linking to my article about Robert. I also read a few of your diary posts over at Kos. The one that really hit me was about healthcare. I have been off of work since I injured my back in April. I am constantly in pain and find that it is affecting my mental attitude as well. I will be talking to my orthopod when I see him next week about it.

Peace, may we have it soon.