Sunday, July 30, 2006

Nothing Is Being Done

I awoke in my residence this morning to coffee brewing and my dogs greeting me to go outside. It's hot today, but sunny and quiet. Serene.

Some Lebanese children didn't awake this morning. Their temporary habitation was bombed, and they were killed.
There were 34 Youths Among 56 Dead and it will only get worse as my day goes on.
History keeps repeating itself--leaders go unchecked in their decisions, and the innocent suffer the consequences.
When will the world come to the realization that we ALL emanate from the same source?



Unknown said...

Israel has said it will stop the bombing for 48 hours after the world gave them a ration of shit for the Qana bombing. They were the poorest of the poor and had no way to leave..ala the Katrina victims.

DeannaHawk said...

all i can say anymore is WTF???