Friday, January 15, 2010

Coming Home From War

War ceases to be portrayed in the media accurately. How can we really know what its like?
The American public thinks very little of the destruction we have caused in this far-away country. Maybe because if we look at it, we will vomit from the reality. Why do we stay there? Politics dictates we must not cut and run. To hell with that.
Why are we not arresting George Bush, Cheney, Condi, Rumsfeld and the rest of the Bush Administration for War Crimes and Treason for lying to the American people about why we need to go to war?

I am giving the following documentary air time on my blog because I cannot understand why it has not received more air play and coverage. Ava Lowry, the young activist and journalist, who frankly, has more guts than words can say, composed this film.
I urge everyone to visit her site: Peace Takes Courage for even more compelling short films and clips and projects she has worked on. Thank you Ava.
The documentary is longer, but its worth the time to view it.


K and C Dennis said...

Nice film, thanks for posting! I appreciate your views...I think we're kind of on the same page:

Mike said...

Next post should be the pulling of bodies from the WTC. Talk about destruction that will make you vomit. I guess you missed that one.