Friday, November 07, 2008

The Hope That Is Barack Obama

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."

The above quotation rang loud and clear as President-Elect Obama addressed Grant Park Tuesday night. As I've stated previously, it wasn't even close. America made a change this week, one that has been a long time coming. The majority of us saw that the policies of the past eight years have not only hurt us, they've damaged us as a country: here and abroad.
The repair is on its way.
Keeping in mind how long it took to do such damage will allow us to be patient with this administration and ourselves--the hurt did not create itself overnight. Patience, but pushing forward.

As our new president's cabinet comes together, let us not forget to continue to support and do our part where we are in our world. Working together is the best solution. Do what you can, with what you have where you are.

Stay conscious! This blog was created several years ago for that very purpose: to remind us that despite how hard and tough our individual lives can become, we must continue to learn about our world and educate ourselves and our children about the issues. If something doesn't seem right, question it! Ask those tough questions! This is your world, your life, your moment.

This administration will be expecting us to step up to the plate and get our stick into the game. We may not hit a home run on the first pitch, but I believe we are smart enough and conscious enough to avoid hitting into a double-play.

Be inspired. Be the hope Obama brings.

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