Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama 1 Smugman 0

Vote for Change

I have to admit, I was having great concerns as I watched the debate last night.

The moments were many where Barack could have nailed McCain to the wall, but did not. He seemed on the defensive many times.

My expectations were let down. I wanted Barack to go after McCain's throat. But he did not.

What Barack did do was to look McCain in the eye, well, he attempted to. McCain glanced at him, maybe twice and I am certain never looked at Obama in the eye when he spoke about him. Barack did look at McCain, did address the issues and did speak the truth. He looked presidential, showing strength and restraint and integrity.

McCain came off as a smug, disrespectful, jerk. Clearly behaving as if he were being inconvenienced to answer these questions with this "other" person.

Thank you Senator Obama for your clear presence of leadership and grace.

I will be honored to vote for you in November.

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