Sunday, January 20, 2008

Presidental Race

Hillary Rodham Clinton Barack Obama

The time has come for an African-American President; it is also time for a women President. Are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton the right candidates?
I've been a Liberal Demorcrat for some time now and this party has not dissappointed me more than in the last couple of years. Would I switch parties? HELL NO!! To be a Republican would go against all that I believe in for this country.
It is politics.
Everyone running is so busy trying to get elected, then staying elected to help the country.
The corporate run media fails to give John Edwards his equal air time. He seems to be the one who is trying to run for President and do something for the country.
As it stands today, for me:
john edwards

Political T-Shirts - Radical Rags

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Edwards populist message is right for this time in our history..and I agree with you m'dear ;)