Saturday, September 15, 2007

Personality Test

Personality Test

1 comment:

Anthropositor said...

I presume that the test results posted are yours Deanna. I don't know what my results would be if I took the same test, but I expect that my profile would be quite similar ro yours.

(At first, for a moment, I thought the picture was the test, but of course, there was no place for the answer: Out of focus venetian blinds billowing in the breeze.)

Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I do hope you will not be a stranger. I'm not only working on cataracts.

But since I can think of no malady that is sucking up more resources than cataracts, (other than the mindless and shortsighted urge to wage war) it is an area that needs to be explored by people who specialize in thinking "outside the box."

From my perspective, we have an entire profession who are quite content to stay in the box because of the continuous-flow, large volume money pipe attached.

Maverick Ophthalmologist Wanted for collaborative discussions. Finding better ways of doing it will not shut off the money pipe. In the long run, doing things better than they have been done enhances income.

Hint: even with my empirical methods, in the past several months my visual acuity has improved measurably. That beats the prevailing theory that continuing deterioration is inevitable.

Anyway Deanna, if you know any Ophthalmologists, or even a surgical nurse in the field, or a cataract patient who would prefer to forestall surgery for a few more years or forever, just point them in my direction. I like to test my ideas against the toughest opposition I can find.

I promise they will have an interesting time. Come by anytime.